Chairman's Message

This college has completed sixteen years successfully and the management felt satisfied with the steady progress made, since its inception in 1999. The session 2016-17 is in progress and the college management, is fully geared up to ensure the quality of Education and the welfare of students during this period. The faculty members have shown full dedication and commitment towards their duties, for successful completion of the session.
The college has witnessed the change of guards, in Jammu University, from Prof. RR Sharma (in 1999), Prof. Amitabh Mattoo, Prof. Varun Sahni and now Prof. R D Sharma, as vice chancellors of JAMMU University. We have no doubt in mind that, Prof. R D Sharma, our new vice chancellor, a re-knowned educationist, having a vast experience in this field, will ensure that, the Jammu University will become an excellent centre of learning and a vibrant hub of cultural and extra-curricular activities, that benefits, from excellent traditions of Jammu Region and its civil society.
It is unfortunate that the law and order in the state, took an ugly turn, in the year 2008-2010 an also in 2016, which has effected the admission process adversely, in Jammu University. However, the steep decline in admission intake has taken place, in 2015 and 2016, because of enhancement of the B.Ed. from one year to two years and also the change of eligibility criteria, i.e. from 45% to 50% for general category students and 40% to 45% for SC/ST category. The management is fully hopeful for a reasonable intake, this year, since the percentage of marks, is being brought down by 5% in both general as well as reserve categories.
I will be failing in my duties, if i do not compliment the Directorate of colleges Development Council, functioning at present under the able guidance of Prof. JAI KUMAR, and also the Dean Deptt. of Education Prof. Mubarik Singh, for successful implementation of the new curriculum of B.Ed. degree.
I also take this opportunity to welcome all the students, who have opted for admission in this college and wish them a great success and happy stay during the current session.
R.S. Chib, VSM (Retd)